Supporting our Children through their Educational journey

Written by Mr Samuel Kumar


In order for children to thrive in their studies, they must also receive other forms support as much as they can. Parents and educators need to work together to foster such conditions to help them excel. Here are some ways to ensure that they come out their best!

  1. A positive and encouraging atmosphere must be created.

    Children are not supported fully when parents and teachers put them down through their words and actions. Children are especially sensitive to how their parents and teachers speak to them. A child’s earning must be received positively and encouraged by parents and teachers in order to spur them towards consistency in their revision. That is why here at BSTC, we want to help students see the interest in staying away from their phones so that they can ward off such a distraction while at home (parents, word of advice, please do not get your child a phone, thank you!)

  2. Recognise and set realistic targets for them.

    Each person is different, and so are our children. They are equipped with unique skills which can be honed through education. Although we want the best for them, it is actually harmful to set unachievable targets as not only are those targets unattainable, but also demoralising for them when they fail. The strengths and weaknesses of each child must be recognised and from there, realistic targets can be set for them. Throughout their journey, children must be encouraged for their efforts. This incentivises them to work harder, which will inevitably help them produce better grades!

  3. Instil discipline and organisation by sticking to a dedicated curriculum.

    Children need to understand that time is limited and must be used wisely to revise and build themselves up. Sticking to a fixed schedule also helps to reduce procrastination in them.

  4. Support a child’s intellectual creativity and growth.

    For a child to grow intellectually, they must be constantly fed a wealth of knowledge. Books are a great way to widen a child’s horizons, as well as documentaries. Adults must have the patience to answer their constant barrage of questions and show them the right answers, to give them the foundation to self-study when they are older!

  5. Have open communication with teachers.

    Teachers need to be vocal about a child’s progress as well as the challenges that they face. Here at Big Sam Tuition Centre (BSTC), parents can be assured that their children are being guided by the watchful eyes of their teachers for their best interest!

  6. Limit a child’s distractions.

    Children should be exposed to material that helps to build their brain, activities that encourage brain activity such as reading, exercising and being exposed to nature, all help a great deal, as research has shown the effectiveness of such methods. Harmful activities such as watching non-educational programmes or using social media, must be banned at all costs for maximum learning effectiveness!

  7. Promote a healthy lifestyle.

    Ensure your child gets enough sleep, eats nutritious meals (organic if possible), and engages in regular physical activity. A healthy lifestyle can positively impact academic performance and overall well-being.

  8. Never stop celebrating them!

    Children need our love and reassurance. Without these, they lack the motivation to study and severely affects their well-being. Reflect, and acknowledge their achievements now!

  9. Teach them the art of resilience.

    Children need to know the importance of not giving up. Not just for studying, but also to forge an undying will to constantly fight for their beliefs as they grow older!

  10. Be a great model!

    What’s the point of teaching them when we ourselves are not great examples? We need to prove to children that education is the only way to constantly pursue our passions, especially when the going gets tough.

Here at BSTC, we know the importance of treating our customers and their children with the utmost respect! We believe that we can learn something from every interaction within our business, and are always ready to make each child a star in their own right! Come shine with us now!


