Written by Mr Samuel Kumar on 12th June 2024.

Just imagine, having a brain that can move at the speed of light? Being able to absorb information like a sponge taking in water, oh the things that this organ can do! Like it or not, we need our brain for our everyday life, but are we taking care of it as much as it takes care of us? This article will help parents, or anybody for that matter take control of their brain health instantly.

Just like our bodies, our brains need the right kind of fuel to power through the day, think fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fatty fish etc. No specific food is the best for our brains, but rather, a wide array of foods containing all the necessary nutrients needed to build and maintain it.

Here are some facts about the human brain:

  • Your Brain uses 20% of oxygen in the body, but only weights about 2% of your total body weight!

  • About 75% of the brain is made up of water, therefore, it is important to stay hydrated to keep the brain functioning well.

  • Cholesterol is needed for learning and memory.

Here are a list of foods that can help you stay sharp no matter your age!

  • Oily / fatty fish such as Wild Salmon, sardines and mackerel contain Omega 3s which help to improve memory.  According to, SingHealth, The Singapore Recommended Dietary Allowance​ (RDA) is 250 mcg for children aged 1 to 2 years, 300 mcg for 3 to 6 years, 400 mcg for 7 to 10 years and 575 mcg for 10 to 12 years.

  • Berries, which contain antioxidants, help to delay ageing of all sorts, including the ageing and slowing down of cognitive functioning. To reap the benefits, eat as many blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries as much as possible.

  • Nuts and seeds contain vitamin E, another powerful antioxidant which slows down brain ageing. It is found in Almonds, Walnuts, Sunflower seeds, flaxseeds and chia seeds.

  • Dark Chocolate

    Sorry Milk chocolate lovers, but that delicious bar you’ve been consuming probably lacks any health benefits. Try Dark chocolate (with more than 70% cacao content), which contains flavonoids, caffeine, and antioxidants. These can enhance memory and cognitive function while your boosting mood.

  • Whole Grains

Next time you go grocery shopping, why not swap out white rice for brown rice? Whole grains provide a steady supply of glucose, which is essential for that energy demanding brain of yours. They also contain fibre (for a smoother session in the toilet) and B vitamins, which support brain health.

Examples include Oats, quinoa, whole wheat bread and noodles and brown rice.

Leafy Greens

It looks like mother was right, you should eat your greens! Leafy green vegetables are rich in nutrients like vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta carotene, which are linked to slowing cognitive decline.

Example Foods include Spinach, kale, broccoli and collard greens.


Eggs are a good source of several nutrients tied to brain health, including B vitamins like B6 and B12, B9 and choline. Choline is particularly important mineral for memory and mood regulation.


Avocados are high in healthy monounsaturated fats, which support healthy blood flow and lower blood pressure, both of which are beneficial for brain health.


Turmeric contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits, potentially improving memory and stimulating the growth of new brain cells.

Turmeric spice can be added to various dishes such as curries.

Green Tea / Matcha

Green tea contains caffeine and L-theanine, which can enhance brain function, improve focus, and promote relaxation without drowsiness.


Three diets - Mediterranean, DASH, and MIND - are good for the brain. They focus on whole foods, good fats, and nutrients that help the brain work well and lower the chance of memory problems.

  • Mediterranean Diet: Eat fruits, veggies, whole grains, fish, nuts, and olive oil. This helps the brain work better and lowers memory loss risk.

  • DASH Diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension): Like the Mediterranean diet but focuses on eating less salt. It includes fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins such as chicken and fish.

  • MIND Diet (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay): Mixes parts of the Mediterranean and DASH diets. Focuses on brain-healthy foods like leafy greens, berries, nuts, and fish.

Hydration and Brain Function: Drink enough water daily for good brain function. Not drinking enough water can harm how well your brain works. Use herbal teas, fruits, and veggies to keep hydrated.

In Short: Eating brain-boosting foods and having good eating habits can help you study and learn better. By giving your brain the right nutrients, you can improve how well it works, your memory, and do better in studies. Remember, a healthy diet and lifestyle are important for your brain. Enjoy studying and eating!

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