Terms and Conditions

  • Do not eat, drink or vandalise as parents can be held responsible for any damages to the centre and its belongings.

  • The business will not be liable for any loss or damage to personal property except for when students surrender their phones to be kept in the phone lockers.

  • We would like to give a pleasant educational experience to your child; hence, we have a strict no-phones-in-class policy (A locker will be provided to safely keep their phones, and the tuition centre will be liable for the loss of their phones when it is with us). Should parents or guardians need to contact their child or ward during class, please text or call us at (to fill in with and updated contact number) and we shall forward the message to them or may also choose to speak to them briefly using the centre’s phone.

  • Teachers or centre managers have the right to confiscate and keep the phones of students for safekeeping should they use it in class and will only return it when the lesson is over.

  • No refunds for services already rendered.

  • Should parents decide to withdraw from a class, they must let the centre know about it at least one month in advance during the first week of the lesson. Failing to do so will incur a penalty fee of $300 or the deposit that was paid, whichever is higher)

  • Parents must pay the school fees within the month of teaching, or they will incur a $20 late payment penalty fee on top of the monthly lesson fee. This helps the business keep afloat and allows us to give a better learning experience for your kids.

  • For every child’s first enrolment ($300), parents will have to pay double the amount for a security deposit. This only applies to monthly fees and not subscription services or lump sum payments.

  • If a customer were to pull out from a package discount, they would have to pay the package price difference plus an additional amount of $300 for the next month.

  • Big Sam’s Tuition Centre has the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time.

  • Prices of products and services are subject to changes on a yearly basis. Please check in at least once every year to see the most updated fees and pricing.

  • Please treat all Big Sam’s personnel with respect as they deserve the right to work in a safe environment. Abusive customers will not be tolerated and will be reported to the police.

  • All parents should show proof of medical certificates and / or school events should their child not be able to come for lesson. Proof of School events must be shown within 3 days before the lesson begins. Proof of school events shown or told within the day of lesson will not be accepted and parents shall be liable to pay for that lesson. Proof of a doctor’s visit must be shown within the day of the student’s absence or parents shall be liable to pay for the lesson missed.

  • Iphones can only be given when a student signs up for a class package for 6 months without withdrawing! Monthly lesson fees need to be more than $300 to qualify for this promotion.