Privacy Policy

We assure all staff, students, parents, and other members of the school community that their personal information is handled with utmost care and confidentiality. Our commitment to safeguarding this data is non-negotiable. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the handling of personal information, please feel free to reach out to our administration team for assistance.

Safeguarding the privacy and confidentiality of all collected information is paramount. We ensure that personal and health information is treated as private and will not be disclosed outside of the organization without prior consent from the individual or their legal representative. This is especially important for children, for whom their parent or guardian serves as the legal representative. Before collecting any information, we inform individuals of the specific circumstances under which their information may be disclosed to third parties, except where required or authorized by law. Any use or disclosure of personal and health information is only done with consent and for the primary or related secondary purposes for which it was collected. It is a shared responsibility between Big Sam Tuition Centre and all stakeholders to uphold the confidentiality and security of information policy, ensuring the trust and confidence of our staff, students, and families.

We uphold the highest standards of data security and confidentiality for our students, families, and staff. All personal information is meticulously stored in a secure computerized database with strict access protocols, ensuring that it is only accessed on an as-needed basis. Additionally, hard copy files are securely stored to further safeguard sensitive information. We are committed to transparency, and therefore, a summary of our confidentiality and security policy will be prominently featured in all advertising materials, enrollment forms, and on our website. Should there be a need to utilize the data provided for purposes beyond the original intent of collection, written permission from parents or staff will be diligently sought, unless mandated by government agencies. We steadfastly maintain that student information in course application forms is exclusively used for course administration and will never be utilized for course advertisement purposes. This policy will be clearly communicated across all communication channels, demonstrating our unwavering dedication to the privacy and security of our community's personal information.

Thank you for entrusting us with your personal information.


Big Sam’s Tuition Centre

Confidentiality and Security of Information Policy

Confidentiality and Security of Personal Information

At Big Sam’s Tuition Centre, we take the privacy and security of personal information seriously. We adhere to strict protocols to collect, store, disclose, and dispose of personal information in a confidential and secure manner. The personal information we collect includes:

1. Student and Parent Data:

  • Contact details of students and families

  • Emergency contact details

  • Student’s health status, immunization,

    and developmental records

  • Custodial arrangements

  • Incident records

  • Medication records

  • Prior student academic records related to admissions.

2. Student Academic Performance:

  • Course assessment materials and results (tests, report cards, and transcripts)

3. Staff Data:

  • Documentation relating to recruitment and selection

  • Contact information

  • Performance reviews

  • Teaching credentials

  • University degree qualifications

  • Work history.

  • Child protection checks

  • Health issues related to Big Sam Tuition Centre health insurance filings

  • Workers’ compensation claims