At Big Sam’s Tuition Centre, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality education by equipping our students with essential tools and knowledge to help them thrive. Our team of seasoned instructors is deeply invested in steering students towards success, offering unwavering support, and nurturing a conducive learning atmosphere. Through a meticulously designed curriculum and individualized focus, our goal is to impart not just knowledge, but also confidence, critical thinking abilities, and a sturdy base for academic progress. If possible, we would like to take charge of a child’s holistic development, as we believe that for children to learn well, they require support in as many aspects as possible, such as emotional support and having a nutritious diet.

We are dedicated to helping students excel in their academic subjects. Our team of experienced tutors provides personalized support in a wide range of subjects, including Math, Science, English, and more. With our proven track record of improving grades and building confidence in students, we are confident in our ability to help your child succeed. Our tailored Reggio-Emilia inspired approach ensures that each student receives the individualized attention they need to thrive academically. By enrolling in our academic subjects tutoring program, your child will have access to targeted lessons, practice materials, and ongoing support to reinforce their learning. We understand that each student has unique strengths and challenges, and our tutors are adept at adapting their teaching methods to meet individual needs. Investing in your child’s education is one of the most important decisions you can make. With Big Sam’s Tuition Centre, you can trust that your child will receive top-notch instruction and support to reach their full potential in their academic subjects.Give your child the gift of academic success. Enrol them in our tutoring program today and watch them thrive!

our Mission, vision and purpose

Hey! Welcome to our website. I am Samuel, but just call me Sam! I am the founder of this business. When I was a student, education was mostly boring and felt very forced. I did not know why I was in school. Being in school, buried in my books most of the time was not fun. It was not the childhood I envisioned for myself. However, it wouldn’t be fair to say that all teachers are dull! Thankfully, I had memories of engaging teachers who made learning fun for my class. I relished those times to the mundaneness of school. Even now, I hear of students going through similar episodes in their schools, going through the motions, and not giving much thought to their responsibilities. Here, we aim to change that!

Learning is important because it helps us solve problems.

Tough problems don’t just require tough people, but also knowledgeable, ambitious and kind ones to rise to the challenge. For too long, we’ve seen students not take their learning seriously. Why? Because they simply had no purpose! We need more capable leaders and thinkers to help heal our planet. Having sustainability being part of the MOE science syllabus, we feel that it is important to ensure that students see the relevance of learning with us!

Upon comprehending the world’s problems, we then realised that the solution lies with our future generation, in the form of education!

Here, students get to learn and play, allowing them to forge unforgettable memories and bonds with each other and their teacher(s). With a whole selection of educational toys such as Mini Ant Farms and Sea Monkey kits, students will be spoilt for choice and learning will no longer be a chore!

Many students benefit from our effective teaching style. Our teachers act as mentors, helping students learn with discipline and enjoyment. Experts assess each student's strengths and weaknesses, encouraging critical thinking. Every student is important to us and has the potential to excel.

We’re all about giving back, to our customers, to our society, and our planet, but we can’t do it alone! We’d like you to join us in our journey, to becoming better people, each and every day!

Don’t believe us? Take a look at our testimonials! We add quality in every way we can! When teachers are passionate about teaching, their enthusiasm spreads and their students get infected too!

Here’s to you, dear reader, that you find your special place in this world with us. Waste not another moment!
